
British Condoms News & Guides


Are there really condoms for Vegans?

Some people may ask what is a vegan. Is this another word for vegetarian – or for the PETA activists?Vegetarians are individuals who prefer not to eat meat, per se. This includes red meat, fish or p …

​What are the pros and cons of Vegan Condoms?

Click here to view our Vegan condoms range... There may be some readers who never thought there were separate condoms for vegans and the traditional ones for the rest of the world. It is estimate …

The Most Creative Way to carry Condoms

Before we can give you some of the most creative ways to carry condoms we need to go over some condom basics. The more experienced man – and woman – will know these simple facts. But for educational …

The Best Condom for the Beginner

When anyone thinks about a young man using a condom for the first time, the first person who comes to mind is that really randy high school lad who at least knows the fundamentals of safe sex. Hold …

​How Diabetes can affect your sex life

The natural supplements industry is over a billion dollar industry worldwide. Quite a few of these magic potions are designed to fight the problems couple have in bed, including low libido and ED. It …

​Today’s facts about Gonorrhea

Do you ever wonder why there are so many new viruses and bacterial infections today that weren’t around 75 years ago? Just like the evolution of man, bacterium and viruses evolve and morph into differ …

When does Size Really Matter?

You read article after article about when it comes to sex size doesn’t matter. Was that idea trust into modern sexology by psychologists or women on the receiving end? Do larger men believe it was …

Are you depressed or just unhappy?

No one is happy 100% of the time. You have to experience the doldrums and unhappiness to experience the highs of being truly happy. Do not make the mistake that many men do in self-diagnosing their …

HPV and Men

It has been known for generations that something that occurs with sexual activity causes cervical cancer in women. At least back in the 1960’s Catholic nuns would tell their female students that no …