
British Condoms News & Guides


Is Vaginitis an STI?

One of the many old wives’ tales from generations back say that vaginitis is a honeymoon issue because virgin brides had become irritated from too much sex. Perhaps they were jealous that the younger …

HIV and Herpes are still alive and not so well

It wasn’t that long ago that when a person was diagnosed with HIV it meant he or she would eventually wind up with full blown AIDS and would die a slow and painful death. Over the years there have bee …

Social Media and Sexual Health

It’s the social media age. All young people are tweeting, texting and using Facebook to let everyone know who they are dating, when, where they are going, etc. It does seem like this generation is …

Preventing Sickle Cell Disease

If you are 100% Caucasian you may have never heard of sickle cell disease. You do not worry about it. However, there are millions of individuals with African ancestry or from Hispanic, southern Europe …

Does going green mean going condom-free?

The visit to the U.S. by Pope Francis was monumental. There are 1.8 billion Catholics on the planet – maybe more. But Catholics and non-Catholics crowded the streets of Washington, DC, Philadelphia, P …

Why aren’t there birth control pills for men?

Most know there is no such thing as a male birth control pill (they consider durex condoms to be their saviour) – yet. Men who take on the responsibility of preventing unwanted pregnancies have b …

Can there be sex after a heart attack?

Many people who have had a heart attack or open heart surgery often feel that the event is the end of their sex lives. This is very far from the truth. Yes, physicians will tell their cardiac patients …

What is PSA?

Prostate-specific antigen, or PSA, is a protein produced by cells of the prostate gland. The PSA test measures the level of PSA in a man’s blood. For this test, a blood sample is sent to a laboratory …

Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

It is never easy being a woman biologically. Men may be the stronger sex; however, women have to endure physical hardships such as monthly periods with cramps and changes in hormones and the pain asso …