
British Condoms News & Guides


Why are gay men getting more STDs?

Gay, transgender and bisexual men who are at least 40 years old lived through the AIDS pandemic where just the initials of HIV meant a certain death sentence. Time does not stand still and modern m …
sex education

HIV does not discriminate on age

There are names for certain generations that have been phrased to differentiate them from those who have gone before and those who have come after. Now we are in the age of the Millennials. This is …
sex education

Information on HIV and Aids

With all the information that is being disseminated every day about HIV and AIDS, do you realize that there are actually 50,000 new cases of HIV diagnosed in the US every year? The CDC estimates th …
sex education

COPD and Sex

If you watch television in the evenings you probably see quite a few advertisements for COPD medicine. If you do not have the disease you may think it is similar to asthma because a person has diff …

Male Infertility

Low Sperm Count and Male Infertility When couples are trying to have a child and all attempts seem to be futile, often they will go to their respective doctors to see if either one has fertility …

Gynecomastia (Male Breasts)

Some women tease their spouses or partners about having breasts larger than theirs. Most of the time, it is all in good fun. Other times men can be embarrassed about gynecomastia, or new women find …

Could Zika be an STD?

If you were alive in 1976 and were of reading age, you would have heard about the Ebola virus outbreak that was detected as beginning in the Zaire, the Democratic Republic of the Congo. That year ther …

The New Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is not new. It has plagued humans for hundreds, if not thousands of years. So what is the new gonorrhea?Gonorrhea is a bacterium which is a living thing. Like all living things, it will evol …