Guide to Lelo Hex Condoms
There comes a time in almost every walk of life where you are looking for something a bit better, something that feels like a step up from your usual norm. It might be more expensive coffee, it might be a better brand of clothes, it might be a new car – whatever is important to you. And why should that not be the case with condoms? We’re all very used to the standard condoms that are widely manufactured and for the most part these are all you need to do the job. But now there’s an alternative product out there – the world famous Lelo Hex condoms feature a revolutionary design, careful research and superior manufacturing which have all contributed to why they are now considered a premium brand.
There are a few different brands of condoms available, some more recognised than others, but they’re virtually just standard condoms. They’re just there to do their job and nothing more. Which is all right if that’s all you’re after, but if you want something a bit more sophisticated then Lelo Hex is the brand you’re after: you can buy Lelo Hex Original condoms and Lelo Hex Respect XL condoms, so there’s room for experimentation. It’s a good job that they come in bulk packs so you can get down to this experimentation!

What makes these condoms stand out?
When they started thinking about how they could up-scale condoms, it was the material that first came to mind, something that hadn’t been acted on before. After all, the composition of the material of a condom is surely there to stay no matter what it is? Latex, lambskin and polyurethane all come ready-created, for want to of a better description, so what movement is there for revolutionising them? Lelo Hex saw the gap in the market and moved in swiftly to cover it. Their unique hexagonal design is the first major innovation in condoms for 70 years and the worldwide media has literally called them the most important advances in the technology of condoms for decades. Instead of one piece of material being used, like standard condoms, they use a revolutionary hexagonal shaft which is made up of 350 small hexagons.
Why do hexagons change things so much? Surely a condom is a condom?
Well, no. The shaft is constructed out of 350 individual hexagons designed to create ultra-thin panels and yet thick walls, so you have the combined pleasure of the ultra-thin with the strength of the walls for reassurance. Thin and yet strong? Absolutely! The Lelo Hex condoms reduce the chances of slipping and improve the grip making them as safe as they can possibly be. But there’s another impressive element to their safety and that’s the actual function of the hexagons and it’s probably the most important part of their manufacture.
These little hexagons decrease the chances of any damage because of the web structure, BUT – if by some tiny chance the condom splits or tears, the damage can be contained within that one particular cell, rather than compromising the whole condom itself. This is possible of course because there are 350 of them! Condom innovation at its very best, one might say. Lelo Hex take the dual concepts of safety and science and blend them to create the very highest standard of condom possible and not just in one version.
Lelo Hex Original condoms are:
- Strong
- Thin
- Provide maximum sensation
- Made out of latex
- They are a regular size (the length is 180mm and the width is 54mm)
- Available to buy in bulk.
Lelo Hex Respect XL condoms:
When you have such a successful and sophisticated template for condom innovation then it makes sense to diversify to make sure that you can make them to suit as much of the male population as you can. Part of this is recognising that not every man has the same anatomy and sizes do change - hence the arrival of the XL condoms. These have the same credentials as the Original ones; large, strong, thin (0.045mm) and promote maximum sensation. Their difference is in the dimensions – the length is 195mm and the width is 58mm. It’s only a few mm difference, but in the condom world every mm can potentially make a difference and who doesn’t want to be completely safe? They are made out of latex and come slightly lubricated to ease things along.
However, sometimes slight lubrication might not be enough, and if this feels familiar to you then you’ll be pleased to find out that Lelo Hex also manufacture a ‘personalised moisturiser’ that you can use alongside the condom. They really do have everything covered! They are slightly more expensive than other, standard condoms, but the statement that ‘you get what you pay for’ certainly rings true here.