
Finding Your Exercise Mojo For Weight Loss

Finding Your Exercise Mojo For Weight Loss

Just about every person in the world has gone on a diet at some point in their lives, or other. And there are plenty out there to choose from! Low sugar, low carb/no carbs (the most brutal of eating regimes), a juice diet, fasting diet, meal replacement shakes – they’ve all found favour somewhere. The pandemic did nothing to motivate people to lose weight, or become fit. The gyms closed, you weren’t allowed to run more than a mile or so out of your area and basically the whole landscape of exercise looked grim. So, what did we do? We drank more and we ate more, it’s surprising how much time you can fill by doing both of those. We found ourselves picking up the cream cakes in the supermarket, telling ourselves that they were for sharing – then hiding them at the back of the fridge to devour on the quiet and hiding the packaging at the bottom of the bin so no-one witnesses your binging. And this is probably followed by feeling shame, shame that you aren’t doing what you want to be doing, and that you’re giving in to unhealthy urges. But the good news is that changing this pattern of behaviour, and becoming tough with yourself, is all within your power – it just depends on how you can access this new-found resolve.

To start with, go back to the beginning and try and work out when your weight became a problem for you. Were you bullied at school and comfort ate? Did you simply have a very unhealthy diet? Devoid of fruit and vegetables and everything saturated in fat, or full of empty calories? Fast food restaurants, we’re looking at you here. Or was it a post-birth thing? Lots of women struggle to lose the baby weight. But ultimately, it doesn’t really matter what your triggers are – all that matters is that you recognise them and don’t give in to what your brain is demanding. Easier said than done, we know.

Reasons for losing weight:

  • Carrying extra weight puts a greater strain on your heart and other internal organs.
  • Extra weight also puts your joints under strain and you’re more likely to injure yourself.
  • You’re at a much elevated risk of developing diabetes, which (depending on the type) is something that can often be cured simply by changing your diet and losing weight.
  • You’re at a greater risk of heart disease, strokes and cardiac arrests.
  • You’re more likely to have a better body image if you’ve chosen the way that you look.
  • Revamping a wardrobe is guaranteed to put a smile on anyone’s face!

With all that said, though, don’t ever feel pressured into weight loss. Do it if you’re doing it for you, and not anyone else.

Losing weight through exercise.

Although weight loss is largely down to changing your diet, exercise also plays a key role in helping that process along. Running 5k three times a week isn’t going to do much if you’re having a fry-up every morning and doughnuts as a snack. Exercise isn’t just a boost for your body, it’s also a boost for the mind. Poor mental health is something that so many people struggle with, and doctors see an endless line of patients going through their consulting rooms requesting antidepressants for their anxiety and depression. Whilst there’s very definitely a need for some people to have medical treatment involving prescribed drugs, it shouldn’t be the first port of call. When you exercise hard and get your heart rate up, it automatically stimulates the release of endorphins in the brain which are also known as the ‘happy hormones’.

Ways to get that exercise mojo knocking on your door again.

It’s happened to all of us. We know that we should go for that run, or hit the gym, but the sheer lack of motivation means that we don’t do it. So, when you’ve fallen off the exercise wagon, what should you do? First of all, don’t beat yourself up about it, instead try these tips to help yourself get back into regular exercise:

  • 1.Change things up. Being bored is a sure and certain way to stop you from pulling on those trainers. So, change it. Whether it’s running a different route from normal, taking a new exercise class at the gym, or starting horse riding, or dancing, or swimming – trying something different can help to get that spark back.
  • 2.Find a buddy. Exercising with a friend is far more fun than going it alone. Plus, if you have someone waiting for you, you’re far more likely to push through any de-motivation feelings and get going.
  • 3.Set achievable goals. If your BMI is up in the thirties, then there’s little point in thinking you can turn yourself into a svelte size 10 in three months. It just isn’t going to happen. Instead, sit down and work out what goals are reasonable for you to achieve, stop feeling de-motivated and defeated before you’ve even started and remember that you’re far more likely to succeed if you take baby steps.

And who knows, if you have more body confidence then you might just re-ignite some sexual sparks in the bedroom. Don’t forget – there’s nothing sexier than self confidence! Don’t forget to and some extra bits in too…..there’s nothing like too much stimulation (mostly, anyway!).

Stuart Brown
Doctor of Sexual Health at the NHS Royal London Hospital & Relationship Expert. Columnist at An advocate of safe sex. Avid Arsenal fan.

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