
Male Infertility

Low Sperm Count and Male Infertility

When couples are trying to have a child and all attempts seem to be futile, often they will go to their respective doctors to see if either one has fertility issues. While they want answers, some of the poking and prodding can be uncomfortable as well as embarrassing. It is a shock when the male learns he has a low sperm count that could be contributing to the lack of conception. He should never feel like a failure, and there are many reasons for a low sperm count. Some can be reversed.

Did you know that you could record a low sperm count if the test was taken without enough time between ejaculations? You may be in the normal range and just not know it. Perhaps you are recovering from an illness or a stressful life-altering event. These can also cause a temporary low sperm count.

Lifestyle choices

Certain lifestyles can contribute to the problem as well. Most of these can be reversed with behavior modification. One culprit is too much alcohol consumed on a regular basis. Body builders who take anabolic steroids will definitely see a lower sperm count because the steroids do shrink the testicles. There is the possibility that marijuana and cocaine can do the same thing.

Being over-weight can cause a hormone imbalance. You need your hormones working on all cylinders for them to be able to do the jobs for which they are intended. Definitely, diabetes comes under this heading because insulin is indeed a hormone. If your blood sugar is too high, it can interfere with sperm production. If it is too low, you will not feel like making love much less a baby.

Just about every G.I. who returned home from World War II smoked. Look at the number of Baby Boomers and one would not think that smoking could interfere with fertility. However, there are new age physicians who believe that tobacco can inhibit the production of sperm. This has not been proven and is just a theory.

Everyone has heard the hypothesis that laptop computers can make men sterile. It is true that if the testicles absorb too much heat there may be a problem with sperm output. But just as much as using a laptop on your lap can cause issues, so can sitting at a desk eight hours a day without benefit of breaks where you can walk around. Any time you are involved in a regular activity that brings your testicles in contact with high heat you are running a risk. Some people recommend staying away from hot tubs and saunas. Of course, your mother always told you that ‘tighty whiteys’ that were too constricting would lessen her chance of becoming a grandmother.

Environmental risks

For sure, it has been proven that too much radiation can cause infertility. This is why an X-ray technician always hides in another room. Even if you are getting your teeth X-rayed, the dental assistant will ensure you are wearing a lead protection that covers your privates. While continued high exposure will cause permanent damage, if the exposure was light you sperm production may return to normal in several years.

If you work around industrial chemicals there is a possibility of a low sperm count. This is not 100% of the time but it could contribute in some cases. Just a few of these chemical compounds are benzenes, toluene, xylene, herbicides, pesticides, organic solvents and painting materials. A definite hazard is lead exposure. This causes infertility as well as a host of other health issues.

Medical causes

No one wants to believe his fertility problems are due to a medical condition. It can be frightening to learn you have the condition itself. One of these conditions which is definitely reversible is a problem called a varicocele. Your physician will give you all the technical information. Simply put, it is a swelling in the veins that drain the testicles. Some physicians think this makes the area too warm, thus hindering sperm production.

Our old friends the STDs and HIV quite often the culprits. Let’s assume you had an STD for a period of time before you received treatment. Your doctor can tell you whether or not he can retrieve available sperm and if it is active.

Have you been having ejaculation problems? The clinical term is retrograde ejaculation and instead of exiting through the end of your penis, it goes back into your bladder. There are several causes of this condition which usually can be treated by your physician. Spinal injuries and some surgeries in the area can be a cause. So can blood pressure medications known as alpha blockers.

If your sperm count is temporary you just need to postpone the pregnancy until it is up to normal. Even in cases where it is permanent, doctors still may be able to retrieve sperm from your reproductive system.

Stuart Brown
Doctor of Sexual Health at the NHS Royal London Hospital & Relationship Expert. Columnist at An advocate of safe sex. Avid Arsenal fan.

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